In tune with this demand, a public rally in favor of the referendum was held in Arms Square, in this capital.

On that occasion, 118 Chilean social organizations delivered a draft bill on a Plebiscite to the Parliament, as a first step in the strategic objective to take it to the Constituent Assembly.

This month’s agenda for social acts will reach its peak on Wednesday, November 9, when a national march to the Chilean Congress in the city of Valparaiso, 74.5 miles from Santiago, will take place.

The demonstration will coincide with the beginning of the debates on the draft bill on the 2012 budget in the Legislature.

The draft bill has been strongly criticized by social sectors, which consider it insufficient and in favor of the right wing’s neoliberal privatization agenda.

In mid November, two national protests will take place to demand structural changes in the socio-political model.

The Chilean studentsĀ“ spokeswoman and leader, Camila Vallejo, said there should be a strategic vision on the topic.

“This is a political movement and our horizon is broader; it has to do with a different model for development and the society. That is why, we are ready to settle the bases for a larger agenda,” Vallejo said.

However, Vallejo highlighted the cause they are fighting for and showed what steps to take in the discussion.

“The budget will be closed this month; there should be a short agenda for the education budget. We cannot let it go, without our political incidence. Perhaps we will not get the structural changes we want but we canĀ“t let privatization go any further,” she stated.