The Northern Development Fund (FONDENOR) envisages only granting 225 million USD by 2025 to be distributed among 40 mining communities.

“It is not even enough for a hospital,” said social leaders in Calama.

Legislator and Secretary General of the Communist Party, Lautaro Carmona, stated that the Executive must “consider seriously and thoroughly what are the real motivations in these communities.”

“You cannot take the real problems of the people and turn them into propaganda for May 21,” he said referring to the upcoming Annual Performance Report to be presented by president Sebastian PiƱera Administration.

Socialist legislator Luis Lemus defended the idea that some percentage of the mining income made by inhabitants in Chile is held by these areas in compensation for the enormous ecological and social damage they suffer.

Opposition legislators expressed their solidarity with the people’s outrage in copper mining municipalities of this country, like Calama.

The mobilization will continue with caravans of vehicles and casserole banging at night through the city.

According to local media, a dozen protesters were detained early Friday in Calama, allegedly caught setting up barricades and burning tires.